What's On Your Quarantine Food Wish List?


While the worst of this month’s swine flu hysteria seems to have passed, authorities in some areas are still exercising extreme caution. After a visitor to the Wanchai Metropark hotel in Hong Kong tested positive for the virus, the Hong Kong health department—still reeling from the SARS epidemic six years ago—decided to hold the hotel’s three hundred other guests for a seven-day quarantine.

Finding the hotel food options growing stale, guests have started exploring their delivery food alternatives. And while some are relying on Pizza Hut, theWall Street Journalreports, “French guests have taken it up a notch: Their consulate has arranged for French dishes likepoulet à la moutardeto be brought in.”

Oh, the French—always providing for countrymen in dire culinary need.If you were quarantined, what would you want your consulate to bring in?[WSJviaBuzzFeed]