Tofu Stir-Fry Recipes
Golden-edged cubes of tofu make a stir-fry extra. Make mapo tofu, crispy tofu with broccoli, and other tofu stir-fry recipes.
Buddha's Delight: The Vegetarian Stir-Fry to Rule All Vegetarian Stir-Fries
How to Make Vegan Cantonese-Style Lettuce Cups With Tofu, Pine Nut, and Jicama
Spicy Stir-Fried Tofu with Coconut Rice From 'The New Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone'
Spicy Thai Tofu With Spinach, Basil, and Peanuts From 'Everyday Thai Cooking'
The Vegan Experience: Crispy Kung Pao Tofu
Phat Phrik Khing: Smash Your Way to a Spectacular Dry-Style Thai Curry
Taiwan Eats: Stir-Fried Green Beans and Five-Spice Dry Tofu
Tofu Skin Noodles Recipe