Really Awesome Black Bean Burgers Recipe

Complex and satisfying with a robust texture that even carnivores love.

Black bean burgers with cheese, pickles, lettuce and red onions.

Serious Eats / Andrew Janjigian

Why It Works

  • Partially dehydrating canned black beans in the oven solves the problem of mushy texture that plagues most black bean burgers.
  • Crumbled feta cheese adds moisture and seasoning right into each patty.
  • 炒洋葱,与j波布拉诺椒辣椒,呈深绿色和大蒜ust a touch of smoky chipotle chile add depth to the patties without dominating.
  • Hearty chopped cashews add textural variation, while panko bread crumbs help bind the patties without turning them mushy.

甚至在我早期作为一个厚脸皮的人ll things ground and beefy, I always had a place in my heart for black bean burgers. I'd occasionally sneak one off of my vegetarian friends during backyard barbecues. If a bar claimed to have excellent homemade black bean burgers, I'd order one (with cheese and bacon, if I felt like it). In its ideal form, a black bean burger should be moist and meaty, with a patty that holds together and forms a substantial crust, packed with robust bean flavor and the seasonings that complement it.

Scan your way through the internet or the cooking section at the bookstore and you'll find recipe after recipe for black bean burgers that follows the same basic procedure: Chop your black beans in a food processor along with some aromatics; stir them together with eggs, breadcrumbs, and some more whole or partially chopped beans; form them into patties; and cook. I've followed a half dozen of these recipes, and while most of them produce pretty good flavor, they all have one fatal flaw: mushy texture.

I mean, how could they not? They're essentially made up of mashed beans and egg.

So what's the secret to black bean burger patties that have textural variation and nuance to match their great flavor? I had to cook my way through a few dozen to figure it out.

Primary Flavors

I like to iron out small problems before addressing the larger ones, so I decided that I'd start by nailing down a flavor profile I'd be happy with before addressing the issue of texture. Some black bean burgers go full Southwest on you, with chili powder and cumin. I wanted my burgers to be a little more neutral in flavor, so I opted to leave out the spices. Instead, I settled for a mixture of onions, garlic, and poblano peppers (you can use bell peppers if you don't want any heat).

Mixing them straight into the patties results in an undesirable steamed onion flavor. Instead, sauté all the vegetables in oil until they're soft before incorporating them into the patty.

Sauteing onions, garlic, and poblano peppers in oil before adding to black bean burgers

Serious Eats / J. Kenji López-Alt

Chipotle chiles packed in adobo might be so common in black bean recipes that it borders on tacky to include them. But you know what? I've loved them ever since I was kid, and when used the right way, they can add just the right amount of smoky, savory flavors without overwhelming the burgers. I found that a single chile for two cans of beans was just the right amount.

我形成了我的馅饼使用标准的方法:普尔sing half of the beans in the food processor until pasty, them folding in the sautéed vegetables, an egg, the chipotle chile, and some panko bread crumbs, seasoning the mixture before forming it into patties and grilling it. As expected, the flavor was fine, but here's what we got inside:

Mushy black bean burger

Serious Eats / J. Kenji López-Alt

Time to get to work on that.

Beef vs. Beans: It's All About Texture

So here's a question for you: Why does a black bean burger behave so differently from a ground meat burger when you apply heat to it? Cook a hamburger and it changes from being mushy and soft to having a wide variety of textures, with an interior that clings together in springy, juicy clumps, interspersed with pockets of rendered fat and juicy meat. Cook a black bean burger and you may develop a crust on the exterior through dehydration, but the interior remains largely the same: soft, mushy, and uniform.

"A black bean patty is made up mostly of starch and proteins that have already been cooked once."

This is because a black bean burger patty is made up of already-cooked ingredients. Raw meat has long, sticky proteins that cling together. As a meat patty cooks, those proteins remain entangled while contracting and changing shape. This is what creates that springy and juicy texture. On the other hand, a black bean patty is made up mostly of starch and proteins that have already been cooked once. They no longer cling together in the same way and don't really change shape when you cook them for a second time. Ever notice how a black bean patty doesn't shrink on the grill the way a meat patty does?

Eggs can help mitigate this to a degree—they are a source of raw proteins that help to bind the chopped beans together as they cook—but they never get as firm or sticky as an entire patty of raw meat.

What does this mean for our burgers? It means that we have to build that texture into the patty mixture right from the start.

Filling 'er Up: What Belongs in a Perfect Black Bean Burger

So what textures am I looking for here? Just like in a meat patty, I want a mix of hearty, robust bits interspersed with tenderness, along with juicy pockets that burst with flavor. I ran through the usual gamut of add-ins: cooked grains like barley, bulgur wheat, wheat berries, and farro, as well as nuts, including peanuts, macadamia, pistachio, walnuts, and pine nuts. The victor in the end? Chopped cashews.

Black bean burger patty with chopped cashews

Serious Eats / J. Kenji López-Alt

When cooked in a moist environment, they soften up to the point that they offer just a bit of pleasing resistance to each bite, but quickly give way as you start to chew. Their flavor is also mild enough that they don't distract from the bean flavor I wanted highlight.

For the flavorful eruptions of moisture, I knew that I wanted to add some extra fat. A couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise helped, but it was more of an overall moisture-booster, rather than the concentrated pockets I was looking for. What about cheese? I figured grated or crumbled cheese might work: it'd keep its shape until the burger is hot enough to melt it, whereupon it'd soften up into just the kind of fatty, flavorful burst I was looking for.

Semi-soft melting cheese like cheddar, jack, and muenster all worked well on the flavor and juice fronts, but they were a bit of a pain to cook. (The melted cheese would drip into the grill or the skillet.) They were also a little too gooey. Incorporate them into the patty and you no longer had a black bean burger; you had a black bean-cheddar burger or a black bean-jack burger.

Instead, firmer, fresh cheese proved just the ticket.

Both cotija and feta cheeses provided exactly the right salty, moist, textural variance I was looking for. Combine the cashews, mayo, and cheese with the original burger and you get this:

Cross-section of black bean burger with feta and cashews.

Serious Eats / J. Kenji López-Alt

Texture-wise, it's a good step above every other recipe I'd tried, but it still wasn'tquitethere—I was still encountering that unpleasant mushiness between the chunkier bits.

Perhaps the problem was with the black beans themselves.

The Best Way to Cook the Beans in a Black Bean Burger

Up until now, my treatment of the beans had been no different than any other recipe: mush half and fold in the rest, the idea being to offer some textural variation. The problem is, even whole cooked beans are still kinda mushy. So the question is: how do we get our beans less mushy?

我试着开始干豆和沸腾, halting the cooking while they were still a little shy of done. That didn't work. Undercooked beans don't taste good, no matter what you're going for. (I also wanted to avoid having to cook beans from dry in what should be a relatively quick and easy recipe.)

Instead, I took a cue from a recipe forroasted chickpea and kale saladand noted how baking canned beans can turn them dense and meaty without rendering them inedible.

I spread a couple cans of drained beans onto a baking sheet and tossed them into the oven. Twenty minutes later, here's what emerged:

Canned black beans after baking for 20 minutes.

Serious Eats / J. Kenji López-Alt

They don'tlooktoo pretty, but, once eaten, it is clear that the transformation is incredible. They go from soft and mushy to dense, meaty, and packed with intense black bean flavor.

I tossed them into the food processor to grind them up for burgers.

After combining them with my egg, aromatics, breadcrumbs, cashews, and cheese, I formed them into patties and seared off a few in a cast iron skillet.

Cutting them open, here's what I got:

Cross-section of meaty black bean burgers with cashews, feta, and baked beans..

Serious Eats / J. Kenji López-Alt

Check out that texture! Biting into them, they're as tasty as they look. Tons of bean flavor, plenty of juicy, salty pockets of cheese, and a texture that is tender but not a bit mushy. Black bean burger ecstasy, if such a state exists.

Cooking Notes: Temperature and Toppings

Now listen: these burgersareplenty meaty in texture and flavor, but there are two important things to remember: First, they don't taste anything like a beef burger, nor are they meant to. They are a delicious thing-to-stick-in-a-bun all on their own. Second, they don't cook the same way beef burgers do because, well, they're not beef burgers.

The biggest trick to cooking them is to use moderate heat. A beef burger wants to be cooked in a ripping hot skillet or a blazing inferno on the grill to get some nice charring on the exterior before the middle has a chance to overcook. Do the same with a bean burger, and you end up with a blackened-on-the-outside, raw-egg-in-the-middle hockey puck.

Don't go for anything more than medium heat in a skillet or a moderate flame on the grill.

Grilling black bean burgers over moderate heat on a charcoal grill.

Serious Eats / J. Kenji López-Alt

Each method offers its own advantages. In the skillet you can get a much deeper, more evenly crisped and browned crust, while the grill produces those smoky, charred flavors that add even more meatiness to the mix.

If you're going the grill route, brush the patties with oil before placing them over the heat. This oil acts as a buffer, helping them to brown more evenly while preventing them from sticking to the grates.

Cheese is not a must, but it's hard to resist.

Any good melting cheese like American, cheddar, jack (pepper jack if you'd like), or muenster works. Just make sure you get it on there with enough time for it to fully melt and optimize that goo factor.

Melting cheese on grilled black bean burgers.

Serious Eats / J. Kenji López-Alt

As for toppings, the sky's the limit. I have to admit: I gave in and went full Southwest a couple of times with pepper jack cheese and a dollop of guacamole, but most of the time I like to stick with the classics: shredded lettuce, pickles, and onions, and—aw, who am I kidding?—since I have those chipotles out already, somechipotle mayonnaise.

The best thing about these burgers? I consider beef burgers to be an only-when-I'm-ready-to-go-into-food-coma treat. These, on the other hand, are hearty, but not heavy: they're the kind of burger I can eat whenever I feel like it. It's a good thing too, because considering how tasty they are, that's going to be pretty darn often.


Really Awesome Black Bean Burgers Recipe

March 2014

Recipe Facts



Prep:10 mins
Cook:45 mins
Active:45 mins
Total:55 mins
Serves:6 to 8 patties

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  • 2(15-ounce) cansblack beans, rinsed and drained

  • 4tablespoonsvegetable oil, divided

  • 1mediumonion, finely chopped (about 1 cup)

  • 1largepoblano pepper, finely chopped (about 1 cup)

  • 3medium clovesgarlic, minced

  • 1chipotle chile in adobo sauce, finely chopped, plus 1 teaspoon sauce

  • 3/4cuproasted cashews

  • 1/2cupfinely crumbled fetaor cotija cheese

  • 3/4cuppanko bread crumbs

  • 1largeegg

  • 2tablespoons蛋黄酱

  • Kosher saltand freshly ground black pepper

  • Cheese for topping, such aspepper jack, cheddar, muenster, or Swiss (optional)

  • 6to 8 heartyhamburger buns, toasted

  • Condimentsas desired, such aschipotle mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, or mayonnaise

  • Toppings as desired, such asshredded lettuce, sliced onions, and pickles


  1. Adjust oven rack to center position and preheat oven to 350°F (175°C). Spread black beans in a single layer on a foil-lined rimmed baking sheet. Roast until beans are mostly split open and outer skins are beginning to get crunchy, about 20 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool slightly.

    Collage showing black beans from jar and black beans after roasting for 20 minutes.

    Serious Eats / Andrew Janjigian

  2. While beans roast, heat 2 tablespoons oil in a medium skillet over medium-high heat until shimmering. Add onion and poblano and cook, stirring frequently, until softened, about 5 minutes. Add garlic and cook, stirring constantly, until fragrant, about 2 minutes. Add chipotle chile and sauce and cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Transfer mixture to a large bowl.

    Collage showing sauteing aromatics for black bean burgers.

    Serious Eats / Andrew Janjigian

  3. Place cashews in the bowl of a food processor and pulse until chopped into pieces no larger than 1/3-inch, about 12 short pulses. Add to bowl with onions and peppers.

    Collage showing pulsing cashews in food processor for black bean burgers.

    Serious Eats / Andrew Janjigian

  4. When beans are slightly cooled, transfer to food processor. Add cheese. Pulse until beans are roughly chopped (the largest pieces should be about 1/3 of a full bean in size). Transfer to bowl with onion/pepper mixture. Add bread crumbs, egg, and mayonnaise and season with salt and pepper. Fold together gently but thoroughly with hands. Patty mixture can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to three days at this stage.

    Collage showing pulsing black beans in food processor then mixing with remaining burger ingredients in bowl.

    Serious Eats / Andrew Janjigian

  5. To cook indoors:Form bean mixture into 6 to 8 patties as wide as your burger buns. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a large nonstick or cast iron skillet over medium heat until shimmering. Add 4 patties and cook, swirling pan occasionally, until well browned and crisp on first side, about 5 minutes. Carefully flip and cook until second side is browned, about 5 minutes longer, adding cheese if desired. If cooking more than 4 burgers, cook in batches, keeping cooked burgers on a rack set in a rimmed baking sheet in a 200°F oven while second batch cooks.

    Collage showing forming black bean patties and cooking them in a skillet.

    Serious Eats / Andrew Janjigian

  6. To cook on the grill:Light 2/3 chimney full of charcoal.When all the charcoal is lit and covered with gray ash, pour out and arrange the coals on one side of the charcoal grate. Set cooking grate in place, cover grill and allow to preheat for 5 minutes. Alternatively, set half the burners on a gas grill to the medium-high setting, cover, and preheat for 10 minutes.Clean and oilthe grilling grate. Form bean mixture into 6 to 8 patties as wide as your burger buns and brush top sides with oil. Place on hot side of grill oiled-side down and cook without moving until first side is well browned, 3 to 5 minutes. Brush tops of burgers with oil. Carefully flip and continue cooking until second side is browned, 3 to 5 minutes longer, topping with cheese if desired.

    刷牙烤黑色是an burgers with oil.

    Serious Eats / J. Kenji López-Alt

  7. Spread top and bottom buns with chipotle mayonnaise or other condiments as desired. Add toppings to top or bottom bun as desired. Place patties on bottom buns, close burgers, and serve immediately.

    Black bean burgers with melted cheese, pickles, onion, and lettuce

    Serious Eats / Andrew Janjigian

Special Equipment

Food processor,rimmed baking sheet,grillor large nonstick or cast iron skillet


Patty mixture can be made through step 4 and stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days before forming patties and cooking as desired. To freeze, place formed patties on a parchment-lined baking sheet and place in freezer until fully frozen, about 1 hour. Remove from freezer and cut parchment around each burger. Stack frozen burgers with the parchment in between each layer. Transfer to a zipper-lock freezer bag and freeze for up to 3 months. To cook frozen burgers, break apart and spread in a single layer on a baking sheet or cutting board and allow to thaw at room temperature for 1 hour before cooking as directed.

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Nutrition Facts(per serving)
444 Calories
25g Fat
43g Carbs
12g Protein
Show Full Nutrition LabelHide Full Nutrition Label
Nutrition Facts
Servings: 6 to 8
Amount per serving
Calories 444
% Daily Value*
Total Fat25g 32%
Saturated Fat 5g 24%
Cholesterol37mg 12%
Sodium744mg 32%
Total Carbohydrate43g 16%
Dietary Fiber 6g 20%
Total Sugars 6g
Vitamin C 15mg 77%
Calcium 165mg 13%
Iron 3mg 19%
Potassium 352mg 7%
*The % Daily Value (DV) tells you how much a nutrient in a food serving contributes to a daily diet. 2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice.
(Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.)