Serious Eats Has a Brand New Look
The Serious Eats team kicked off 2021 with a simple goal: to make every page on our site a good one—no matter when it was published. To us, that means any article or recipe you land on should be trustworthy, respectful, and accurate (not to mention interesting and entertaining). Given that our archive stretches back more than 15 years, this isn’t a goal we’ll be able to achieve overnight, or even over the course of a single year. In fact, updating our library responsibly is an ongoing project we will be continually engaged in.
Today, though, we’re here to talk about some of our first steps. Over the last few months, our team has been hard at work improving your user experience and making Serious Eats a more pleasant, reliable site to browse and cook from. We’ve revisited and cleaned up a great deal of our library (so long, one-sentence articles with broken YouTube links*); redesigned our layout and navigation; and moved into a new content management system with improved capabilities. Though we’ve had to take a brief hiatus from publishing new content to accomplish all this, the immensely rewarding result of that work is the site you see before you today: shiny, refreshed, and very much improved.
*At least, most of them…
Among the new features we hope you enjoy, you'll find:
- A fresh design:We have a new beautiful and contemporary homepage that can be more easily curated to share relevant content. (It doesn’t hurt that our logo looks more like a pot and less like a suitcase now, too.)
- Fewer, less annoying ads and faster page speeds:You spoke, and we listened. Your ad experience on Serious Eats will be much less intrusive moving forward. Our pages also run more quickly while taking up less of your browser’s bandwidth.
- Improved site search:Looking for a favorite article or recipe? Searching on the site, which you can do by clicking the magnifying glass in the top right corner, now provides clear and skimmable results with images.
- Simplified navigation:We’ve continued to refine how we organize articles and recipes to be more intuitive. Find what you want, when you want it.
- A recipe box:We’veintroduced you to Relishbefore; now we’ve incorporated an easy-to-access recipe box that uses Relish technology so you can both save recipes and shop for ingredients online.
- Standardized commenting:Moving forward, you’ll need to sign into or create an account with Disqus to leave comments. This will allow us to moderate all comments before they go live, ensuring we get back to the questions and feedback that count while guaranteeing consistent compliance with our commenting policy.
These changes are all exciting, but they’re also just the beginning. Over the coming months, you can look forward to further communications from us as we work toward cross-testing old recipes, adding more reporting to past articles, supplementing recipes with step-by-step photography, and making our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion more transparent and measurable.
We hope our redesign makes Serious Eats a food publication our visitors want to spendmoretime with—and we likewise want to know if anything is causing new frustrations. Though we can’t guarantee responses to all emails regarding this announcement, we’ll be reading and taking seriously all feedback sent
Editor's note:A number of people have raised concerns about the lack of a print button. Please rest assured that we're working to restore this functionality.