PSA: You Have 4 Days Left To Eat Kumquats

Kumquat Tart 安娜Markow

OK, you'll probably be able to find these tiny citrus fruits past March 1st, which many list as the "official" end of their growing season, but really I'm just here to remind you that kumquat primetime is, sadly, coming to a close.

If you haven't tried kumquats before, you're in for a treat. The fruits are small but intensely flavorful, with a mouth-puckeringly tart juice and a pleasantly chewy rind.

Once you've stocked up on the season's last bounty, use them up in one of these three sweet recipes.

Kumquat Tart

Sure, you can make a lemon tart year-round, but the nuanced flavor of kumquats is sure to break your dinner guests out of their winter blues. This tart starts with a flakey butter crust that's scented with vanilla bean. It's topped with a thin layer of marmalade and crowned with a rich homemade kumquat curd. Getting the kumquat flavor in and seeds out is a cinch—you cook the fruits whole and then strain the mixture through a sieve.

Kumquat Lemongrass Ice Cream

Max Falkowitz

This ice cream pairs bright, citrusy lemongrass with sweet candied kumquats to create a scoop that's both refreshing and full flavored. The candied kumquats are super easy to make—just toss them with sugar and let them sit overnight. They make an ideal ice cream mix-in as their texture stays nice and chewy. Pro-tip: save the leftover kumquat syrup to use in cocktails.

Toast with Kumquat Marmalade and Goat Cheese

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Sydney Oland

This is a quickie marmalade, and not one that's meant to be preserved until next year. Instead, eat it now (we don't think you'll need encouragement after you try a bite.) The marmalade pairs the sweet-tart kumquats with earthy, piney rosemary, which makes it perfect as a foil for tangy goat cheese. Other ideas: layer it on toast, spoon it over ice cream, cheesecake, or yogurt.

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