Pie of the Week: No-Bake Blood Orange Pie


Life throws you curve balls, and those who come out winning are those who can adapt. When facing the problem of producing a delicious and texturally interesting dessert without the use of an oven or stove, it's good to have something easy in your pocket to which you may turn. If you're ever in that situation, you'll be ready—armed with this recipe for the perfect no-bake pie, which I've adapted from Martha Stewart's similar cheesecake (because odds are if you are without oven, you probably won't have a springform pan either).

This creamy, rich pie is screaming for some acidic fruit to balance it, and here in blood orange (also sometimes called Moro oranges) season, we have our perfect topping. The hardest task might be supreming the oranges, to remove the pith, peel, and all the tough skin inside, but it's fun once you get the hang of it. If you're new to the skill, there's a video to guide you, so be sure to jump over to the recipe to see what it's all about. It may be the prettiest pie you make all winter.