Cookie Monster: Chocolate Peppermint Blossoms

Holiday blossoms Carrie Vasios Mullins

I don't know what it says about me that I enjoy spending time in grocery and drug stores. I find it pretty peaceful to wander around the aisles, browsing, shopping, alone with my thoughts. The Walgreens near my house doesn't play grating music—recently it's been a low blast of classy Christmas music—and because I go at weird hours, it's never particularly full. Just me, Bing, and discount wrapping paper. What more could a girl want?

我合理的扩展最近一次为“复位arch" by checking the seasonal candy aisle for new products. I didn't find anything to write about for our Supermarket Sweets column, but I did see Hershey's Candy Cane Kisses, and, like a Christmas vision, it came to me: make Chocolate Peppermint Blossoms.


Traditional blossoms are peanut butter cookies with a milk chocolate Hershey's kiss in the middle. To make these vibe with the peppermint kisses, I knew I wanted to start with a chocolate drop cookie dough. It took me a while to find the right base—I wanted something that would stay round and high, more cakey than fudgy, with no crisp edges or crunchiness at all. These do the trick even without having to chill the dough, which is a blessing during the busy holiday season.

When the cookies come out of the oven, gently press a kiss into the center. Be careful to do it just once or else the heat from the cookies will create a puddle of melted chocolate. Similarly, they need to be cooled all the way before storing or you'll get bent kisses.

To recap: Soft, chocolately cookies with a creamy white chocolate and peppermint center. Christmas vision indeed.