A Sandwich a Day: The Bulgogi Hoagie at Broadway Cafe in Ann Arbor, MI

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J. Kenji Lopez-Alt

In this great country of ours, one could eat a different sandwich every day of the year—so that's what we'll do. Here's A Sandwich a Day, our daily look at sandwiches around the country. Got a sandwich we should check out?Let us know.—The Mgmt.

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J. Kenji Lopez-Alt

Run by an amicable Korean opera-singing coach and his wife, theBroadway Cafe in Ann Arbor offers two things:Korean food and cheesesteaks. That's right. While the right side of the short menu is devoted tobibimbob($8),bulgogi($9.50), andsoondooboojjigae ($9), on the left side you'll findfries($2), and acheesesteak hoagie($7) made with American cheese and thinly shaved ribeye on a just-chewy-enough steamed seeded roll that's good enough to giveD'Alessandro'sa run for its money.

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It's not on the menu, but those in the know (I.E. my hunting buddyClay) will order a regular cheesesteak along with a side of their spicy, garlic-laden cabbage kimchi. Pile the pickles into your sandwich, and you've just made yourself abulgogi hoagie, a sandwich so delicious that I predict at least half a dozen food trucks in the Los Angeles and New York areas will soon be peddling them like Korean tacos were never even in style.

When asked why the spectacular sandwich isn't on the permanent menu, the owner responded, "my wife cooks all the food, and I don't want her to have to work too hard." Thoughtful.

IfCaroline's recent discovery of a very similar sandwich (minus the all-important American cheese!) in New Jersey is any indicator, perhaps the trend has already taken hold...

Broadway Cafe

1139 Broadway Street, Ann Arbor MI 48105 (map) 734-769-3524