Somefolks will eat buffalo-flavored just aboutanything. You can count me out of that camp, with a few notable exceptions. I'll pop back somebuffalo-flavored Comboswhen the mood strikes. CrispyFried Buffalo Caulifloweris a smashing alternative to its more chicken-y brethren.
Somewhere in the middle of my list:Buffalo Chicken Macaroni and Cheese. My personal jury is still out on it. Sure, it's creamy, gooey, salty, hot, and all those other good things. Everything I want in a bowl of mac and cheese. Yet the idea still seems a little... odd to me.
Buffalo chicken justshouldn'tbe part of mac and cheese. I don't know why. The two ideas create a strange sort of cognitive dissonance that makes me feel uncomfortable in the same way that I get uncomfortable when I have to admit to myself that OK, noteveryBeatles song is great.
Maybe I'll get over it. I mean it's delicious enough that if I force myself to eat it enough, perhaps my discomfort at the concept will disappear. If such psychological woes don't trouble your minds, then you will probably have a better time of it all. I should stop feeling sorry for myself and just go drown my fears in Frank's.
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Some folks will eat buffalo-flavored just about anything. If you are in that camp, you will love this bowl of mac and cheese." data-title="Buffalo Chicken Macaroni and Cheese" data-tracking-container="true">-